This recipe is perfect for sleep deprived parents and cold coffee lovers. Today we flip the script on our coffee routine, embracing the cool, quiet night to conjure up something truly magical. Get ready to tuck your coffee into bed because we're crafting an Overnight AeroPress Cold Brew that'll make your morning just a little sweeter to wake up to, no matter how rough the night with the kids was.
The Nighttime Ritual: Overnight AeroPress Cold Brew
Imagine waking up not just to the promise of coffee, but to coffee that's been patiently brewing while you dreamt, extracting every bit of flavor from those precious beans. This isn't your average coffee; it's a smooth, rich elixir that’s spent a whole night brewing just for you. It's like having a personal barista who worked the night shift in your fridge. Whether you're trying to beat the heat or just mixing up your morning routine, this overnight brew is a plot twist your taste buds won’t see coming.
What You'll Need:
● An AeroPress: I use the Clear.● A fridge: I hate to state the obvious here but... you need one lol.
● Coffee: 30 grams, because we’re going bold into the night.
● Grinder: Coarse grind. This will give you a rich, long brew.
● Water: Cold, straight from the tap works. Filtered if you’re fancy.
● Patience: The secret ingredient for all good things.
● Cup: But not till the morning.
Brewing Your Moonlit Bevvy:
Grind Your Beans: 30 grams of coffee, coarsely ground.
Set the Stage: Assemble your AeroPress and Flow Control Filter Cap with paper filter.
The Gathering: Add your coffee grounds into the AeroPress chamber. Pour 130g on cold water, slowly, swirling the AeroPress to ensure all the grounds are fully submerged.
The Long Goodnight: Once you’ve gently stirred the grounds and water together, saran wrap the top to keep it sealed. Now, the hardest part - waiting. Tuck it into the fridge and bid it goodnight. Sweet dreams, little brew.
Morning Greetings: After your beauty sleep (8-12 hours is plenty), it’s time to reunite with your brew. Prep a glass with ice and press down on the plunger. What you’re left with is a concentrate of dreams. Next, add a touch of cold water or milk.
Dilute or Not: Taste your brew. I like if it's a bit strong, dilute with more water or milk to your liking.
Why Embrace the Night Brew?
This Overnight AeroPress Cold Brew method isn't just about making coffee; it’s a reminder that some things can't be rushed, that the best flavors, like the best moments, often come to those who wait.
So, when you tuck in and the house is sleeping soundly, take solace in knowing that when dawn breaks, a cup of something special awaits you.
Remember, in the realm of coffee, as in life, the night is not just for rest, but for dreams to brew and flavors to unfold. So here's to the nights, the stars, and the cold brews that make mornings worth waking up for.