Strawberry Shortcake Latte

Strawberry Shortcake Latte

strawberry shortcake latte is a spin-off of the well-known, delicious strawberry shortcake dessert. You can have your cake and drink it too!

What is a Strawberry Shortcake latte?

Lattes are already delicious. But what if we added even more flavor, with a little
notch of sweetness and texture. Enter strawberry jam and graham crackers. A
strawberry shortcake latte is a spin-off of the well-known, delicious strawberry
shortcake dessert. You can have your cake and drink it too!


Can you make an SSC latte Iced?

Even though our recipe is intended for a hot drink, you can absolutely shake
things up (literally) and make it iced. To do this you can use cold milk over ice 
instead of steamed milk. If you plan to make it cold, you can pull an espresso
shot (as done in our recipe) using the AeroPress straight into the cup. Or you can
also pull the espresso style shot using the AeroPress directly over ice (into a
cup/carafe filled with ice. This is called a flash brew). Then add the espresso
style coffee into the cup of cold milk with ice. Add more ice to taste and top with
crushed graham crackers and even a sliced strawberry on the rim of the cup.


Do’s and Don’t of Making Lattes



Use fresh coffee: Let’s be honest, your drink will be as good as the
ingredients you put into it. Using freshly roasted coffee beans (specialty
coffee) is the number one way to ensure a quality brew. This goes for any
type of coffee beverage or brewing style. When possible, grind your beans
right before making your drink.
Weigh your beans: Using a scale to weigh your beans ensures that your
coffee-to-water ratio is balanced every time. Too many beans will make
your drink too strong. Too much liquid will water down the final product. I
recommend using 20g of coffee, then adding 100g of water. Let it brew for
1 minute and then press down the AeroPress.
Dial in the right setting: Finding the right setting on your grinder for your
AeroPress will result in the best espresso-style AeroPress coffee.
Depending on your grinder, the best way to do this is by practicing a lot. If
your AeroPress is too tough to press down once you’ve filled it with your
ground coffee and water, you’ve ground too finely. If it is too easy and
coffee gushes out, you’ve ground too loosely. Find your perfect setting in
between these two points. Your dialed setting should require some effort to
press down the AeroPress, and also create a little foamy layer (and or
some bubbles) in your brewed coffee.


Don’t skip out on the fat: Using higher fat % milk will result in a more
frothy/foamy steamed milk. Of course if you have dietary restrictions,
modify as needed with milk alternatives.
Don’t use too much milk: To ensure a great tasting latte, the key is to
follow a ratio of 1⁄3 coffee (espresso) and 2⁄3 steamed milk. Feel free to play
with this ratio slightly to taste, but don’t drown your recipe with milk or you’ll
lose the integrity of the coffee.
Don’t be discouraged: Remember you are the best critic for you. You are
making drinks (coffee) that should ultimately satisfy your taste. So don’t
overthink it and just go for it. After all, you’ll only get better One Brew at a
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