Daddy Got Coffee Signature

Daddy Got Coffee Signature Recipe

This recipe has saved my mornings, and possibly my sanity, more times than I can count!
Iced Matcha Coffee AeroPress Latte Reading Daddy Got Coffee Signature Recipe 4 minutes Next AeroPress Espresso Old Fashioned

Hey there, AeroPress aficionado! Justin here, a.k.a @daddygotcoffee, millennial dad on a quest to help you brew the BEST coffee at home. Today, I’ll show you my signature brew for the AeroPress - this recipe has saved my mornings, and possibly my sanity, more times than I can count. Because sometimes let's face it, coffee isn't just a beverage; it's a matter of surviving.


Why the AeroPress?

When it's time for that perfect, clear, and well-defined cup of coffee, my AeroPress is my weapon of choice. It's easy, forgiving, and guarantees a fantastic cup every single time. It's the brewer that knows exactly what you need, even when you're too sleep-deprived to articulate it yourself.

This brewing method is the perfect way to marry my love for excellent coffee with the busy realities of dad life. Whether I'm reaching for a limited Gesha light roasted coffee or a full-bodied medium roast, I know this recipe will deliver. Imagine having a coffee shop at your fingertips, without the hipster barista judging your choice of pajamas (or lack thereof).


What You'll Need:

● Coffee: This is what we’re making, right?
● An AeroPress: I use the clear one because vibes are tops.
Flow Control Filter Cap: Keeps precision to the max and mess to the minimum!
● Paper Filters: To stay smooth and sediment-free.
● Coffee: Obviously. The soul of the operation.
● Stirrer and scoop: To.... stir and scoop.
● Mug: To get it in you!
● Kettle: Ideally with temperature control for the best results.
● Coffee Grinder: Optional, but highly recommended for peak freshness.
● Scale: Also optional, but it's like having a secret weapon for consistency.


Brewing Magic: The Step-by-Step

Heat Your Kettle: Aim for 201 degrees Fahrenheit. This is the sweet spot just off the boil that works across a wide variety of coffee roasts. It's like the Goldilocks zone for kettles.


Weigh Your Beans: 16 grams of coffee to be exact. If you're not using a scale, it's about 1 heaping scoop.

Grind: Grind your coffee to a medium-fine consistency. This is key. Freshly ground coffee is the key to unlocking all those delicious flavors. Think coarse sand at a fancy beach, not gravel.

Prep Your AeroPress: Place your filter in the Flow Control Filter Cap and secure it onto your AeroPress chamber.

Coffee In Chamber: Dump the ground coffee into the chamber and place the AeroPress on your scale. Yes, scales are for those who enjoy a great and predictable cup every time. Consistency is king.

The Pour: Start your timer and pour 250ml of hot water. If scales aren't your thing, fill to the number "4".

Stir & Steep: Stir and let the coffee steep until your timer hits 2 minutes. The flow control cap stops the drip-through, allowing for a full immersion brew. This will give you the ultimate in flavor clarity and balance.

The Press: When the timer reads 2 minutes, place the AeroPress on your mug, insert the plunger, and press over about 30 seconds. Don’t go crazy or hard. Press slowly for the clearest cup and a delicious reward at the end!

Enjoy: Now, all that's left is to enjoy the best coffee you've had all week. Seriously, it's that good.



And there you have it, my tried and tested AeroPress recipe for when you need that perfect cup of coffee amidst the chaos of dad life. It's easy, it's reliable, and most importantly, it's delicious.

So go ahead, give it a try, and let me know how it goes.

Remember, coffee is more than just a drink; it's a moment of peace in the storm of life. It's a ritual that says, "Yes, I've got this," even when your toddler has painted the dog (or sibling) blue.

So, brew with love, brew with care, and always, always enjoy your coffee.

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